Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why Does My Deodorant Burn

Refrigeration Gas (Vapor Phase Cooling System )

Gas or Vapor Phase Cooling System

Vapochill is a new gas cooling system that allows us to express the performance of our computer microprocessor 25 to 30%.

is basically a small compressor, like a refrigerator, and the microprocessor directly cooled to -30 ° when in standby and about -15 ° at full load.

The operation is very simple. The compressed gas down a tube closed circuit to the CPU, there in an aluminum changes state, causing the decrease in temperature a physical principle. The CPU, which is in contact with this compound, cooled, and the gas becomes hot and a return pipe to a radiator, where the gas is cooled again. After this, go back to the compressor and the cycle begins again.

By having a cooling system so powerful, can do " Overclocking " which involves forcing the cpu speed. In our machine, which was in the Simo 2002, it was a Pentium4 at 2,800 MHz, and forced him from the BIOS up to 3400 Mhz, being perfectly stable.

Vapochill kit consists of:
- Cooling Kit. Compressor-condenser-evaporator, and all necessary tubing.
- CPU KIT, adaptable for both AMD XP and Pentium 4.
- Chillcontrol, electronic unit that controls:

1. pressure compressor.
2. The speed radiator fan . (Decrease speed by 10% reduces noise by 50%).
3. Steady state temperature . We decide that we want it operating temperature to stabilize.
4. temperature. We can define both the temperature which ripped the team, as the computer shuts down automatically in case of malfunction.
5. Temperatures resistance: The cooling system has 2 small resistors, one in the front and one in the back of the socket, to prevent condensation, and whose operating temperature is adjustable

Benefits :

- performance. Similar to a dual plate, but with the advantage that it allows all types of software, whereas we use a single dual performance for some specific applications.
- noise. By eliminating the fan-heatsink micro, usually The loudest of the entire computer, the noise decreases considerably.
- Compared with the cooling liquid cools much more , (30 º to -30 º), allowing a higher overclocking, and above all more stable.
And with the advantage that a small leak in the Vapochill, causes the gas to evaporate on contact with air, while the cooling liquid can lose the whole team!


"Some say that the gas consumption is very high almost as 3 fridges.
-Price elevevado today (except Vapochill Micro kit worth about 30 euros)
-hazardous condensation, if not correctly assemble the system.



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