Well a few days ago left me until my E4300 Q6600 and clear the terrible reputation of this micro I could not help prove it.
Start with these settings:
- Oc 50% E4300 2.7 GHz @ 300 x 9 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=256654 1.4 vcore
- Oc 56% E4300 2.8 Ghz @ 312 x 9 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=256650 1.4 vcore
- 67% Oc E4300 3.0 Ghz @ 334 x 9 vcore 1.4125 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=256634
- Oc 78% 3.2 Ghz E4300 @ 356 x 9 vcore 1.5250
skip to 3.4Ghz (3.2Ghz as they had gone relatively easy), testing with this configuration:
E4300 @ 378 x 9
1.54375 vcore change Senti Strap and nothing, restarted ... so here provided with 1,575 vcore and 1.6 and nothing, fault and fault .., I decided to put a 3.3GHz then provide this configuration:
E4300 @ 367 x 9
1.54375 vcore again the same, change and Strap it .. restarted .. increase the vcore to 1.5625, 1.575, 1.58125 and 1.6 fault again, but at least failure and knew it was not for lack of voltage .
The truth is I was a bit disoriented as the temperatures were very low, between 22 º C and 26 º C, and in my past experiences with the E6600, that I had passed.
In this screenshot you can see from the charts of fan speed v4.33 temperatures in idle to 3.25Ghz are between 24 º C and 27 º C, so here it was clear that temperatures were not the problem .
And if it was not the temperature or voltage, could only be one thing; I had first met with this E4300 FSB Wall.
But that is the FSB Wall?
is a virtual wall of which is impossible to climb, regardless of voltage, multiplier or cooling.
Since I knew I was between 356, fsb without problems last 3.2Ghz and 367, last fsb with bad results.
In these cases there is no choice but to go up testing configurations one at the FSB, until at last I found it! Wall the FSB of my E4300 was at 363.
With the fsb at 363 and any voltage up to a maximum of 1.65v no way to be successful.
The latest frequencies without problems was 361 and 362, specifically the following settings:
- 80.5% Oc E4300 3.25 GHz @ 361 x 9 vcore 1.55625 (this config. Not validate, so what?)
- Oc 81% E4300 @ 3,258 Ghz vcore 362 x 9 = 1.57500 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id 257354
Well here ends my short love affair with the E4300, (thank goodness I left it until I got the Q6600 because it's really a low FSB Wall), so I leave here the capture and validation of Maximo you could get this E4300.
81% Oc E4300 @ 3,258 Ghz 362 x 9 vcore 1.57500
http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=257354 I hope they have been util this report, a greeting, Patagonian .
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